Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)Destination | Destination | flowfile-attribute | - flowfile-attribute
- flowfile-content
| Control if JSON value is written as a new flowfile attribute 'JSONAttributes' or written in the flowfile content. Writing to flowfile content will overwrite any existing flowfile content. |
Include Core Attributes | Include Core Attributes | true | | Determines if the FlowFile org.apache.nifi.flowfile.attributes.CoreAttributes which are contained in every FlowFile should be included in the final JSON value generated. |
Null Value | Null Value | false | | If true a non existing selected attribute will be NULL in the resulting JSON. If false an empty string will be placed in the JSON |
JSON Handling Strategy | JSON Handling Strategy | Escaped | - Escaped
 - Nested

| Strategy to use for handling attributes which contain nested JSON. |
Pretty Print | Pretty Print | false | | Apply pretty print formatting to the output.
This Property is only considered if the [Destination] Property has a value of "flowfile-content". |
Name | Description |
success | Successfully converted attributes to JSON |
failure | Failed to convert attributes to JSON |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
JSONAttributes | JSON representation of Attributes |
State management:
This component does not store state.Restricted:
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component requires an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.