Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)Proxy Configuration Service | proxy-configuration-service | | Controller Service API: ProxyConfigurationService Implementation: StandardProxyConfigurationService | Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. If set, it supersedes proxy settings configured per component. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN |
GCP Credentials Provider Service | GCP Credentials Provider Service | | Controller Service API: GCPCredentialsService Implementation: GCPCredentialsControllerService | The Controller Service used to obtain Google Cloud Platform credentials. |
Input Batch Size | Input Batch Size | 100 | | Maximum number of FlowFiles processed for each Processor invocation |
Message Derivation Strategy | Message Derivation Strategy | FlowFile Oriented | - FlowFile Oriented
 - Record Oriented

| The strategy used to publish the incoming FlowFile to the Google Cloud PubSub endpoint. |
Record Reader | Record Reader | | Controller Service API: RecordReaderFactory Implementations: CEFReader SyslogReader ReaderLookup ProtobufReader Syslog5424Reader CSVReader GrokReader WindowsEventLogReader ScriptedReader AvroReader ParquetReader JsonPathReader ExcelReader JsonTreeReader YamlTreeReader XMLReader | The Record Reader to use for incoming FlowFiles
This Property is only considered if the [Message Derivation Strategy] Property has a value of "Record Oriented". |
Record Writer | Record Writer | | Controller Service API: RecordSetWriterFactory Implementations: JsonRecordSetWriter RecordSetWriterLookup AvroRecordSetWriter XMLRecordSetWriter FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter CSVRecordSetWriter ParquetRecordSetWriter ScriptedRecordSetWriter | The Record Writer to use in order to serialize the data before sending to GCPubSub endpoint
This Property is only considered if the [Message Derivation Strategy] Property has a value of "Record Oriented". |
Maximum Message Size | Maximum Message Size | 1 MB | | The maximum size of a Google PubSub message in bytes. Defaults to 1 MB (1048576 bytes)
This Property is only considered if the [Message Derivation Strategy] Property has a value of "FlowFile Oriented". |
Topic Name | gcp-pubsub-topic | | | Name of the Google Cloud PubSub Topic Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Batch Size Threshold | gcp-pubsub-publish-batch-size | 15 | | Indicates the number of messages the cloud service should bundle together in a batch. If not set and left empty, only one message will be used in a batch |
Batch Bytes Threshold | gcp-batch-bytes | 3 MB | | Publish request gets triggered based on this Batch Bytes Threshold property and the Batch Size Threshold property, whichever condition is met first. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Batch Delay Threshold | gcp-pubsub-publish-batch-delay | 100 millis | | Indicates the delay threshold to use for batching. After this amount of time has elapsed (counting from the first element added), the elements will be wrapped up in a batch and sent. This value should not be set too high, usually on the order of milliseconds. Otherwise, calls might appear to never complete. |
API Endpoint | api-endpoint | | | Override the gRPC endpoint in the form of [host:port] Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Dynamic Properties:
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties: No
Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.
Name | Value | Description |
Attribute name | Value to be set to the attribute | Attributes to be set for the outgoing Google Cloud PubSub message Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry) |
Name | Description |
retry | FlowFiles are routed to this relationship if the Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation fails but attempting the operation again may succeed. |
success | FlowFiles are routed to this relationship after a successful Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation. |
failure | FlowFiles are routed to this relationship if the Google Cloud Pub/Sub operation fails. |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
gcp.pubsub.messageId | ID of the pubsub message published to the configured Google Cloud PubSub topic |
gcp.pubsub.count.records | Count of pubsub messages published to the configured Google Cloud PubSub topic |
gcp.pubsub.topic | Name of the Google Cloud PubSub topic the message was published to |
State management:
This component does not store state.Restricted:
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component requires an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
Resource | Description |
MEMORY | The entirety of the FlowFile's content will be read into memory to be sent as a PubSub message. |
See Also: