Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)Event Hub Name | event-hub-name | | | The name of the event hub to pull messages from. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Service Bus Endpoint | Service Bus Endpoint | Azure | - Azure
 - Azure China
 - Azure Germany
 - Azure US Government

| To support namespaces not in the default domain. |
Transport Type | Transport Type | AMQP | - AMQP

| Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Transport Type for communication with Azure Event Hubs |
Shared Access Policy Name | event-hub-shared-access-policy-name | | | The name of the shared access policy. This policy must have Listen claims. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Shared Access Policy Key | event-hub-shared-access-policy-primary-key | | | The key of the shared access policy. Either the primary or the secondary key can be used. Sensitive Property: true |
Use Azure Managed Identity | use-managed-identity | false | | Choose whether or not to use the managed identity of Azure VM/VMSS |
Consumer Group | event-hub-consumer-group | $Default | | The name of the consumer group to use. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Consumer Hostname | event-hub-consumer-hostname | | | DEPRECATED: This property is no longer used. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Record Reader | record-reader | | Controller Service API: RecordReaderFactory Implementations: CEFReader SyslogReader ReaderLookup ProtobufReader Syslog5424Reader CSVReader GrokReader WindowsEventLogReader ScriptedReader AvroReader ParquetReader JsonPathReader ExcelReader JsonTreeReader YamlTreeReader XMLReader | The Record Reader to use for reading received messages. The event hub name can be referred by Expression Language '${}' to access a schema. |
Record Writer | record-writer | | Controller Service API: RecordSetWriterFactory Implementations: JsonRecordSetWriter RecordSetWriterLookup AvroRecordSetWriter XMLRecordSetWriter FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter CSVRecordSetWriter ParquetRecordSetWriter ScriptedRecordSetWriter | The Record Writer to use for serializing Records to an output FlowFile. The event hub name can be referred by Expression Language '${}' to access a schema. If not specified, each message will create a FlowFile. |
Initial Offset | event-hub-initial-offset | End of stream | - Start of stream
 - End of stream

| Specify where to start receiving messages if offset is not yet stored in the checkpoint store. |
Prefetch Count | event-hub-prefetch-count | 300 | | No Description Provided. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Batch Size | event-hub-batch-size | 10 | | The number of messages to process within a NiFi session. This parameter affects throughput and consistency. NiFi commits its session and Event Hubs checkpoints after processing this number of messages. If NiFi session is committed, but fails to create an Event Hubs checkpoint, then it is possible that the same messages will be received again. The higher number, the higher throughput, but possibly less consistent. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Message Receive Timeout | event-hub-message-receive-timeout | 1 min | | The amount of time this consumer should wait to receive the Batch Size before returning. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only) |
Checkpoint Strategy | checkpoint-strategy | Azure Blob Storage | - Azure Blob Storage
 - Component State

| Specifies which strategy to use for storing and retrieving partition ownership and checkpoint information for each partition. |
Storage Account Name | storage-account-name | | | Name of the Azure Storage account to store event hub consumer group state. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)
This Property is only considered if the [Checkpoint Strategy] Property has a value of "Azure Blob Storage". |
Storage Account Key | storage-account-key | | | The Azure Storage account key to store event hub consumer group state. Sensitive Property: true Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)
This Property is only considered if the [Checkpoint Strategy] Property has a value of "Azure Blob Storage". |
Storage SAS Token | storage-sas-token | | | The Azure Storage SAS token to store Event Hub consumer group state. Always starts with a ? character. Sensitive Property: true Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)
This Property is only considered if the [Checkpoint Strategy] Property has a value of "Azure Blob Storage". |
Storage Container Name | storage-container-name | | | Name of the Azure Storage container to store the event hub consumer group state. If not specified, event hub name is used. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)
This Property is only considered if the [Checkpoint Strategy] Property has a value of "Azure Blob Storage". |
Proxy Configuration Service | proxy-configuration-service | | Controller Service API: ProxyConfigurationService Implementation: StandardProxyConfigurationService | Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN
This Property is only considered if the [Transport Type] Property has a value of "AMQP_WEB_SOCKETS". |
Name | Description |
success | FlowFiles received from Event Hub. |
parse.failure | If a message from event hub cannot be parsed using the configured Record Reader or failed to be written by the configured Record Writer, the contents of the message will be routed to this Relationship as its own individual FlowFile. |
Reads Attributes:
None specified.Writes Attributes:
Name | Description |
eventhub.enqueued.timestamp | The time (in milliseconds since epoch, UTC) at which the message was enqueued in the event hub |
eventhub.offset | The offset into the partition at which the message was stored |
eventhub.sequence | The sequence number associated with the message | | The name of the event hub from which the message was pulled |
eventhub.partition | The name of the partition from which the message was pulled |* | The application properties of this message. IE: 'application' would be '' |
State management:
Scope | Description |
LOCAL, CLUSTER | Local state is used to store the client id. Cluster state is used to store partition ownership and checkpoint information when component state is configured as the checkpointing strategy. |
This component is not restricted.Input requirement:
This component does not allow an incoming relationship.System Resource Considerations:
None specified.