RetryFlowFile 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
FlowFiles passed to this Processor have a 'Retry Attribute' value checked against a configured 'Maximum Retries' value. If the current attribute value is below the configured maximum, the FlowFile is passed to a retry relationship. The FlowFile may or may not be penalized in that condition. If the FlowFile's attribute value exceeds the configured maximum, the FlowFile will be passed to a 'retries_exceeded' relationship. WARNING: If the incoming FlowFile has a non-numeric value in the configured 'Retry Attribute' attribute, it will be reset to '1'. You may choose to fail the FlowFile instead of performing the reset. Additional dynamic properties can be defined for any attributes you wish to add to the FlowFiles transferred to 'retries_exceeded'. These attributes support attribute expression language.
FlowFile, Retry
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Properties
Name Description
retry Input FlowFile has not exceeded the configured maximum retry count, pass this relationship back to the input Processor to create a limited feedback loop.
retries_exceeded Input FlowFile has exceeded the configured maximum retry count, do not pass this relationship back to the input Processor to terminate the limited feedback loop.
failure The processor is configured such that a non-numerical value on 'Retry Attribute' results in a failure instead of resetting that value to '1'. This will immediately terminate the limited feedback loop. Might also include when 'Maximum Retries' contains attribute expression language that does not resolve to an Integer.
Reads Attributes
Name Description
Retry Attribute Will read the attribute or attribute expression language result as defined in 'Retry Attribute'
Writes Attributes
Name Description
Retry Attribute User defined retry attribute is updated with the current retry count
Retry Attribute .uuid User defined retry attribute with .uuid that determines what processor retried the FlowFile last