PackageFlowFile 2.2.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
This processor will package FlowFile attributes and content into an output FlowFile that can be exported from NiFi and imported back into NiFi, preserving the original attributes and content.
attributes, flowfile, flowfile-stream, flowfile-stream-v3, package
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
success The packaged FlowFile is sent to this relationship
original The FlowFiles that were used to create the package are sent to this relationship
Writes Attributes
Name Description
mime.type The mime.type will be changed to application/flowfile-v3
Use Cases Involving Other Components
  • Send FlowFile content and attributes from one NiFi instance to another NiFi instance.
    Send FlowFile content and attributes from one NiFi instance to another NiFi instance.
    A Remote Process Group is preferred to send FlowFiles between two NiFi instances, but an alternative is to use PackageFlowFile then InvokeHTTP sending to ListenHTTP.
    flowfile, attributes, content, ffv3, flowfile-stream-v3, transfer
    Processor Configurations
        "Maximum Batch Size" > 1 can help improve performance by batching many flowfiles together into 1 larger file that is transmitted by InvokeHTTP.
        Connect the success relationship of PackageFlowFile to the input of InvokeHTTP.
        "HTTP Method" = "POST" to send data to ListenHTTP.
        "HTTP URL" should include the hostname, port, and path to the ListenHTTP.
        "Request Content-Type" = "${mime.type}" because PackageFlowFile output files have attribute mime.type=application/flowfile-v3.
        "Listening Port" = a unique port number.
        ListenHTTP automatically unpacks files that have attribute mime.type=application/flowfile-v3.
        If PackageFlowFile batches 99 FlowFiles into 1 file that InvokeHTTP sends, then the original 99 FlowFiles will be output by ListenHTTP.
  • Export FlowFile content and attributes from NiFi to external storage and reimport.
    Export FlowFile content and attributes from NiFi to external storage and reimport.
    flowfile, attributes, content, ffv3, flowfile-stream-v3, offline, storage
    Processor Configurations
        "Maximum Batch Size" > 1 can improve storage efficiency by batching many FlowFiles together into 1 larger file that is stored.
        Connect the success relationship to the input of any NiFi egress processor for offline storage.
        "Packaging Format" = "application/flowfile-v3".
        Connect the output of a NiFi ingress processor that reads files stored offline to the input of UnpackContent.
        If PackageFlowFile batches 99 FlowFiles into 1 file that is read from storage, then the original 99 FlowFiles will be output by UnpackContent.
See Also