MonitorActivity 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Monitors the flow for activity and sends out an indicator when the flow has not had any data for some specified amount of time and again when the flow's activity is restored
active, activity, detection, flow, inactive, monitor
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
State Management
Scopes Description
LOCAL, CLUSTER MonitorActivity stores the last timestamp at each node as state, so that it can examine activity at cluster wide. If 'Copy Attribute' is set to true, then flow file attributes are also persisted. In local scope, it stores last known activity timestamp if the flow is inactive.
Name Description
activity.restored This relationship is used to transfer an Activity Restored indicator when FlowFiles are routing to 'success' following a period of inactivity
inactive This relationship is used to transfer an Inactivity indicator when no FlowFiles are routed to 'success' for Threshold Duration amount of time
success All incoming FlowFiles are routed to success
Writes Attributes
Name Description
inactivityStartMillis The time at which Inactivity began, in the form of milliseconds since Epoch
inactivityDurationMillis The number of milliseconds that the inactivity has spanned