MergeRecord 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
This Processor merges together multiple record-oriented FlowFiles into a single FlowFile that contains all of the Records of the input FlowFiles. This Processor works by creating 'bins' and then adding FlowFiles to these bins until they are full. Once a bin is full, all of the FlowFiles will be combined into a single output FlowFile, and that FlowFile will be routed to the 'merged' Relationship. A bin will consist of potentially many 'like FlowFiles'. In order for two FlowFiles to be considered 'like FlowFiles', they must have the same Schema (as identified by the Record Reader) and, if the <Correlation Attribute Name> property is set, the same value for the specified attribute. See Processor Usage and Additional Details for more information. NOTE: this processor should NOT be configured with Cron Driven for the Scheduling Strategy.
content, correlation, event, merge, record, stream
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
merged The FlowFile containing the merged records
original The FlowFiles that were used to create the bundle
failure If the bundle cannot be created, all FlowFiles that would have been used to created the bundle will be transferred to failure
Reads Attributes
Name Description
fragment.identifier Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. All FlowFiles with the same value for this attribute will be bundled together.
fragment.count Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. This attribute must be present on all FlowFiles with the same value for the fragment.identifier attribute. All FlowFiles in the same bundle must have the same value for this attribute. The value of this attribute indicates how many FlowFiles should be expected in the given bundle.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
record.count The merged FlowFile will have a 'record.count' attribute indicating the number of records that were written to the FlowFile.
mime.type The MIME Type indicated by the Record Writer
merge.count The number of FlowFiles that were merged into this bundle
merge.bin.age The age of the bin, in milliseconds, when it was merged and output. Effectively this is the greatest amount of time that any FlowFile in this bundle remained waiting in this processor before it was output
merge.uuid UUID of the merged FlowFile that will be added to the original FlowFiles attributes
merge.completion.reason This processor allows for several thresholds to be configured for merging FlowFiles. This attribute indicates which of the Thresholds resulted in the FlowFiles being merged. For an explanation of each of the possible values and their meanings, see the Processor's Usage / documentation and see the 'Additional Details' page.
<Attributes from Record Writer> Any Attribute that the configured Record Writer returns will be added to the FlowFile.
Use Cases
  • Combine together many arbitrary Records in order to create a single, larger file
    Combine together many arbitrary Records in order to create a single, larger file
    Configure the "Record Reader" to specify a Record Reader that is appropriate for the incoming data type.
    Configure the "Record Writer" to specify a Record Writer that is appropriate for the desired output data type.
    Set "Merge Strategy" to `Bin-Packing Algorithm`.
    Set the "Minimum Bin Size" to desired file size of the merged output file. For example, a value of `1 MB` will result in not merging data until at least
        1 MB of data is available (unless the Max Bin Age is reached first). If there is no desired minimum file size, leave the default value of `0 B`.
    Set the "Minimum Number of Records" property to the minimum number of Records that should be included in the merged output file. For example, setting the value
        to `10000` ensures that the output file will have at least 10,000 Records in it (unless the Max Bin Age is reached first).
    Set the "Max Bin Age" to specify the maximum amount of time to hold data before merging. This can be thought of as a "timeout" at which time the Processor will
        merge whatever data it is, even if the "Minimum Bin Size" and "Minimum Number of Records" has not been reached. It is always recommended to set the value.
        A reasonable default might be `10 mins` if there is no other latency requirement.
    Connect the 'merged' Relationship to the next component in the flow. Auto-terminate the 'original' Relationship.
Use Cases Involving Other Components
  • Combine together many Records that have the same value for a particular field in the data, in order to create a single, larger file
    Combine together many Records that have the same value for a particular field in the data, in order to create a single, larger file
    merge, combine, aggregate, like records, similar data
    Processor Configurations
    Configure the "Record Reader" to specify a Record Reader that is appropriate for the incoming data type.
    Configure the "Record Writer" to specify a Record Writer that is appropriate for the desired output data type.
    Add a single additional property. The name of the property should describe the field on which the data is being merged together.
    The property's value should be a RecordPath that specifies which output FlowFile the Record belongs to.
    For example, to merge together data that has the same value for the "productSku" field, add a property named `productSku` with a value of `/productSku`.
    Connect the "success" Relationship to MergeRecord.
    Auto-terminate the "original" Relationship.
    Configure the "Record Reader" to specify a Record Reader that is appropriate for the incoming data type.
    Configure the "Record Writer" to specify a Record Writer that is appropriate for the desired output data type.
    Set "Merge Strategy" to `Bin-Packing Algorithm`.
    Set the "Minimum Bin Size" to desired file size of the merged output file. For example, a value of `1 MB` will result in not merging data until at least
        1 MB of data is available (unless the Max Bin Age is reached first). If there is no desired minimum file size, leave the default value of `0 B`.
    Set the "Minimum Number of Records" property to the minimum number of Records that should be included in the merged output file. For example, setting the value
        to `10000` ensures that the output file will have at least 10,000 Records in it (unless the Max Bin Age is reached first).
    Set the "Maximum Number of Records" property to a value at least as large as the "Minimum Number of Records." If there is no need to limit the maximum number of
        records per file, this number can be set to a value that will never be reached such as `1000000000`.
    Set the "Max Bin Age" to specify the maximum amount of time to hold data before merging. This can be thought of as a "timeout" at which time the Processor will
        merge whatever data it is, even if the "Minimum Bin Size" and "Minimum Number of Records" has not been reached. It is always recommended to set the value.
        A reasonable default might be `10 mins` if there is no other latency requirement.
    Set the value of the "Correlation Attribute Name" property to the name of the property that you added in the PartitionRecord Processor. For example, if merging data
        based on the "productSku" field, the property in PartitionRecord was named `productSku` so the value of the "Correlation Attribute Name" property should
        be `productSku`.
    Set the "Maximum Number of Bins" property to a value that is at least as large as the different number of values that will be present for the Correlation Attribute.
        For example, if you expect 1,000 different SKUs, set this value to at least `1001`. It is not advisable, though, to set the value above 10,000.
    Connect the 'merged' Relationship to the next component in the flow.
    Auto-terminate the 'original' Relationship.
See Also