MergeContent 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Merges a Group of FlowFiles together based on a user-defined strategy and packages them into a single FlowFile. It is recommended that the Processor be configured with only a single incoming connection, as Group of FlowFiles will not be created from FlowFiles in different connections. This processor updates the mime.type attribute as appropriate. NOTE: this processor should NOT be configured with Cron Driven for the Scheduling Strategy.
archive, concatenation, content, correlation, flowfile-stream, flowfile-stream-v3, merge, stream, tar, zip
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
  • Additional Details for MergeContent 2.3.0



    The MergeContent Processor provides the ability to combine many FlowFiles into a single FlowFile. There are many reasons that a dataflow designer may want to do this. For example, it may be helpful to create batches of data before sending to a downstream system, because the downstream system is better optimized for large files than for many tiny files. NiFi itself can also benefit from this, as NiFi operates best on “micro-batches,” where each FlowFile is several kilobytes to several megabytes in size.

    The Processor creates several ‘bins’ to put the FlowFiles in. The maximum number of bins to use is set to 5 by default, but this can be changed by updating the value of the property. The number of bins is bound in order to avoid running out of Java heap space. Note: while the contents of a FlowFile are stored in the Content Repository and not in the Java heap space, the Processor must hold the FlowFile objects themselves in memory. As a result, these FlowFiles with their attributes can potentially take up a great deal of heap space and cause OutOfMemoryError’s to be thrown. In order to avoid this, if you expect to merge many small FlowFiles together, it is advisable to instead use a MergeContent that merges no more than say 1,000 FlowFiles into a bundle and then use a second MergeContent to merges these small bundles into larger bundles. For example, to merge 1,000,000 FlowFiles together, use MergeContent that uses a of 1,000 and route the “merged” Relationship to a second MergeContent that also sets the to 1,000. The second MergeContent will then merge 1,000 bundles of 1,000, which in effect produces bundles of 1,000,000.

    How FlowFiles are Binned

    How the Processor determines which bin to place a FlowFile in depends on a few different configuration options. Firstly, the Merge Strategy is considered. The Merge Strategy can be set to one of two options: “Bin Packing Algorithm,” or " Defragment". When the goal is to simply combine smaller FlowFiles into one larger FlowFile, the Bin Packing Algorithm should be used. This algorithm picks a bin based on whether the FlowFile can fit in the bin according to its size and the property and whether the FlowFile is ’like’ the other FlowFiles in the bin. What it means for two FlowFiles to be ’like FlowFiles’ is discussed at the end of this section.

    The “Defragment” Merge Strategy can be used when FlowFiles need to be explicitly assigned to the same bin. For example, if data is split apart using the UnpackContent Processor, each unpacked FlowFile can be processed independently and later merged back together using this Processor with the Merge Strategy set to Defragment. In order for FlowFiles to be added to the same bin when using this configuration, the FlowFiles must have the same value for the " fragment.identifier" attribute. Each FlowFile with the same identifier must also have a unique value for the " fragment.index" attribute so that the FlowFiles can be ordered correctly. For a given “fragment.identifier”, at least one FlowFile must have the “fragment.count” attribute (which indicates how many FlowFiles belong in the bin). Other FlowFiles with the same identifier must have the same value for the “fragment.count” attribute, or they can omit this attribute. NOTE: while there are valid use cases for breaking apart FlowFiles and later re-merging them, it is an antipattern to take a larger FlowFile, break it into a million tiny FlowFiles, and then re-merge them. Doing so can result in using huge amounts of Java heap and can result in Out Of Memory Errors. Additionally, it adds large amounts of load to the NiFi framework. This can result in increased CPU and disk utilization and often times can be an order of magnitude lower throughput and an order of magnitude higher latency. As an alternative, whenever possible, dataflows should be built to make use of Record-oriented processors, such as QueryRecord, PartitionRecord, UpdateRecord, LookupRecord, PublishKafkaRecord_2_6, etc.

    In order to be added to the same bin, two FlowFiles must be ’like FlowFiles.’ In order for two FlowFiles to be like FlowFiles, they must have the same schema, and if the property is set, they must have the same value for the specified attribute. For example, if the is set to “filename”, then two FlowFiles must have the same value for the “filename” attribute in order to be binned together. If more than one attribute is needed in order to correlate two FlowFiles, it is recommended to use an UpdateAttribute processor before the MergeContent processor and combine the attributes. For example, if the goal is to bin together two FlowFiles only if they have the same value for the “abc” attribute and the “xyz” attribute, then we could accomplish this by using UpdateAttribute and adding a property with name “correlation.attribute” and a value of “abc=${abc},xyz=${xyz}” and then setting MergeContent’s property to “correlation.attribute”.

    When a Bin is Merged

    Above, we discussed how a bin is chosen for a given FlowFile. Once a bin has been created and FlowFiles added to it, we must have some way to determine when a bin is “full” so that we can bin those FlowFiles together into a “merged” FlowFile.

    If the property is set to “Bin Packing Algorithm”, then the following rules will be evaluated.

    MergeContent exposes several different thresholds that can be used to create bins that are of an ideal size. For example, the user can specify the minimum number of FlowFiles that must be packaged together before merging will be performed. The minimum number of bytes can also be configured. Additionally, a maximum number of FlowFiles and bytes may be specified.

    There are two other conditions that will result in the contents of a Bin being merged together. The Max Bin Age property specifies the maximum amount of time that FlowFiles can be binned together before the bin is merged. This property should almost always be set, as it provides a means to set a timeout on a bin, so that even if data stops flowing to the Processor for a while (due to a problem with an upstream system, a source processor being stopped, etc.) the FlowFiles won’t remain stuck in the MergeContent processor indefinitely. Additionally, the processor exposes a property for the maximum number of Bins that should be used. For some use cases, this won’t matter much. However, if the Correlation Attribute property is set, this can be important. When an incoming FlowFile is to be placed in a Bin, the processor must find an appropriate Bin to place the FlowFile into, or else create a new one. If a Bin must be created, and the number of Bins that exist is greater than or equal to the value of the property, then the oldest Bin will be merged together to make room for the new one.

    If the property is set to “Defragment”, then a bin is full only when the number of FlowFiles in the bin is equal to the number specified by the “fragment.count” attribute of one of the FlowFiles in the bin. All FlowFiles that have this attribute must have the same value for this attribute, or else they will be routed to the “failure” relationship. It is not necessary that all FlowFiles have this value, but at least one FlowFile in the bin must have this value or the bin will never be complete. If all the necessary FlowFiles are not binned together by the point at which the bin times amount (as specified by the property), then the FlowFiles will all be routed to the ' failure’ relationship instead of being merged together.

    Finally, a bin can be merged if the property is configured and a FlowFile is received that satisfies the specified condition. The condition is specified as an Expression Language expression. If any FlowFile result in the expression returning a value of true, then the bin will be merged, regardless of how much data is in the bin or how old the bin is. This incoming FlowFile that triggers the bin to be merged can either be added as the last entry in the bin, as the first entry in a new bin, or output as its own bin, depending on the value of the property.

    A bin of FlowFiles, then, is merged when any one of the following conditions is met:

    • The bin has reached the maximum number of bytes, as configured by the property.
    • The bin has reached the maximum number of FlowFiles, as configured by the property.
    • The bin has reached both the minimum number of bytes, as configured by the property, AND the minimum number of FlowFiles, as configured by the property.
    • The bin has reached the maximum age, as configured by the property.
    • The maximum number of bins has been reached, as configured by the property, and a new bin must be created.
    • The property is configured and a FlowFile is received that satisfies the specified condition.

    Reason for Merge

    Whenever the contents of a Bin are merged, an attribute with the name “merge.reason” will be added to the merged FlowFile. The below table provides a listing of all possible values for this attribute with an explanation of each.

    Attribute Value Explanation
    MAX_BYTES_THRESHOLD_REACHED The bin has reached the maximum number of bytes, as configured by the property. When this threshold is reached, the contents of the Bin will be merged together, even if the Minimum Number of Entries has not yet been reached.
    MAX_ENTRIES_THRESHOLD_REACHED The bin has reached the maximum number of FlowFiles, as configured by the property. When this threshold is reached, the contents of the Bin will be merged together, even if the minimum number of bytes (Min Group Size) has not yet been reached.
    MIN_THRESHOLDS_REACHED The bin has reached both the minimum number of bytes, as configured by the property, AND the minimum number of FlowFiles, as configured by the property. The bin has not reached the maximum number of bytes (Max Group Size) OR the maximum number of FlowFiles (Maximum Number of Entries).
    TIMEOUT The Bin has reached the maximum age, as configured by the property. If this threshold is reached, the contents of the Bin will be merged together, even if the Bin has not yet reached either of the minimum thresholds. Note that the age here is determined by when the Bin was created, NOT the age of the FlowFiles that reside within those Bins. As a result, if the Processor is stopped until it has 1 million FlowFiles queued, each one being 10 days old, but the Max Bin Age is set to “1 day,” the Max Bin Age will not be met for at least one full day, even though the FlowFiles themselves are much older than this threshold. If the Processor is stopped and restarted, all Bins are destroyed and recreated, and the timer is reset.
    BIN_MANAGER_FULL If an incoming FlowFile does not fit into any of the existing Bins (either due to the Maximum thresholds set, or due to the Correlation Attribute being used, etc.), then a new Bin must be created for the incoming FlowFiles. If the number of active Bins is already equal to the property, the oldest Bin will be merged in order to make room for the new Bin. In that case, the Bin Manager is said to be full, and this value will be used.
    BIN_TERMINATION_SIGNAL A FlowFile signaled that the Bin should be terminated by satisfying the configured property.

    Note that the attribute value is minimally named, while the textual description is far more verbose. This is done for a few reasons. Firstly, storing a large value for the attribute can be more costly, utilizing more heap space and requiring more resources to process. Secondly, it’s more succinct, which makes it easier to talk about. Most importantly, though, it means that a processor such as RouteOnAttribute can be used, if necessary, to route based on the value of the attribute. In this way, the explanation can be further expanded or updated, without changing the value of the attribute and without disturbing existing flows.

System Resource Considerations
Resource Description
MEMORY While content is not stored in memory, the FlowFiles' attributes are. The configuration of MergeContent (maximum bin size, maximum group size, maximum bin age, max number of entries) will influence how much memory is used. If merging together many small FlowFiles, a two-stage approach may be necessary in order to avoid excessive use of memory.
Name Description
failure If the bundle cannot be created, all FlowFiles that would have been used to created the bundle will be transferred to failure
merged The FlowFile containing the merged content
original The FlowFiles that were used to create the bundle
Reads Attributes
Name Description
fragment.identifier Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. All FlowFiles with the same value for this attribute will be bundled together.
fragment.index Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. This attribute indicates the order in which the fragments should be assembled. This attribute must be present on all FlowFiles when using the Defragment Merge Strategy and must be a unique (i.e., unique across all FlowFiles that have the same value for the "fragment.identifier" attribute) integer between 0 and the value of the fragment.count attribute. If two or more FlowFiles have the same value for the "fragment.identifier" attribute and the same value for the "fragment.index" attribute, the first FlowFile processed will be accepted and subsequent FlowFiles will not be accepted into the Bin.
fragment.count Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. This attribute indicates how many FlowFiles should be expected in the given bundle. At least one FlowFile must have this attribute in the bundle. If multiple FlowFiles contain the "fragment.count" attribute in a given bundle, all must have the same value.
segment.original.filename Applicable only if the <Merge Strategy> property is set to Defragment. This attribute must be present on all FlowFiles with the same value for the fragment.identifier attribute. All FlowFiles in the same bundle must have the same value for this attribute. The value of this attribute will be used for the filename of the completed merged FlowFile.
tar.permissions Applicable only if the <Merge Format> property is set to TAR. The value of this attribute must be 3 characters; each character must be in the range 0 to 7 (inclusive) and indicates the file permissions that should be used for the FlowFile's TAR entry. If this attribute is missing or has an invalid value, the default value of 644 will be used
Writes Attributes
Name Description
filename When more than 1 file is merged, the filename comes from the segment.original.filename attribute. If that attribute does not exist in the source FlowFiles, then the filename is set to the number of nanoseconds matching system time. Then a filename extension may be applied:if Merge Format is TAR, then the filename will be appended with .tar, if Merge Format is ZIP, then the filename will be appended with .zip, if Merge Format is FlowFileStream, then the filename will be appended with .pkg
merge.count The number of FlowFiles that were merged into this bundle
merge.bin.age The age of the bin, in milliseconds, when it was merged and output. Effectively this is the greatest amount of time that any FlowFile in this bundle remained waiting in this processor before it was output
merge.uuid UUID of the merged flow file that will be added to the original flow files attributes.
merge.reason This processor allows for several thresholds to be configured for merging FlowFiles. This attribute indicates which of the Thresholds resulted in the FlowFiles being merged. For an explanation of each of the possible values and their meanings, see the Processor's Usage / documentation and see the 'Additional Details' page.
Use Cases
  • Concatenate FlowFiles with textual content together in order to create fewer, larger FlowFiles.
    Concatenate FlowFiles with textual content together in order to create fewer, larger FlowFiles.
    concatenate, bundle, aggregate, bin, merge, combine, smash
    "Merge Strategy" = "Bin Packing Algorithm"
    "Merge Format" = "Binary Concatenation"
    "Delimiter Strategy" = "Text"
    "Demarcator" = "\n" (a newline can be inserted by pressing Shift + Enter)
    "Minimum Number of Entries" = "1"
    "Maximum Number of Entries" = "500000000"
    "Minimum Group Size" = the minimum amount of data to write to an output FlowFile. A reasonable value might be "128 MB"
    "Maximum Group Size" = the maximum amount of data to write to an output FlowFile. A reasonable value might be "256 MB"
    "Max Bin Age" = the maximum amount of time to wait for incoming data before timing out and transferring the FlowFile along even though it is smaller than the Max Bin Age. A reasonable value might be "5 mins"
  • Concatenate FlowFiles with binary content together in order to create fewer, larger FlowFiles.
    Concatenate FlowFiles with binary content together in order to create fewer, larger FlowFiles.
    Not all binary data can be concatenated together. Whether or not this configuration is valid depends on the type of your data.
    concatenate, bundle, aggregate, bin, merge, combine, smash
    "Merge Strategy" = "Bin Packing Algorithm"
    "Merge Format" = "Binary Concatenation"
    "Delimiter Strategy" = "Text"
    "Minimum Number of Entries" = "1"
    "Maximum Number of Entries" = "500000000"
    "Minimum Group Size" = the minimum amount of data to write to an output FlowFile. A reasonable value might be "128 MB"
    "Maximum Group Size" = the maximum amount of data to write to an output FlowFile. A reasonable value might be "256 MB"
    "Max Bin Age" = the maximum amount of time to wait for incoming data before timing out and transferring the FlowFile along even though it is smaller than the Max Bin Age. A reasonable value might be "5 mins"
  • Reassemble a FlowFile that was previously split apart into smaller FlowFiles by a processor such as SplitText, UnpackContext, SplitRecord, etc.
    Reassemble a FlowFile that was previously split apart into smaller FlowFiles by a processor such as SplitText, UnpackContext, SplitRecord, etc.
    reassemble, repack, merge, recombine
    "Merge Strategy" = "Defragment"
    "Merge Format" = the value of Merge Format depends on the desired output format. If the file was previously zipped together and was split apart by UnpackContent,
        a Merge Format of "ZIP" makes sense. If it was previously a .tar file, a Merge Format of "TAR" makes sense. If the data is textual, "Binary Concatenation" can be
        used to combine the text into a single document.
    "Delimiter Strategy" = "Text"
    "Max Bin Age" = the maximum amount of time to wait for incoming data before timing out and transferring the fragments to 'failure'. A reasonable value might be "5 mins"
    For textual data, "Demarcator" should be set to a newline (\n), set by pressing Shift+Enter in the UI. For binary data, "Demarcator" should be left blank.
See Also