ListenHTTP 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Starts an HTTP Server and listens on a given base path to transform incoming requests into FlowFiles. The default URI of the Service will be http://{hostname}:{port}/contentListener. Only HEAD and POST requests are supported. GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS and TRACE will result in an error and the HTTP response status code 405; CONNECT will also result in an error and the HTTP response status code 400. GET is supported on <service_URI>/healthcheck. If the service is available, it returns "200 OK" with the content "OK". The health check functionality can be configured to be accessible via a different port. For details see the documentation of the "Listening Port for health check requests" property.A Record Reader and Record Writer property can be enabled on the processor to process incoming requests as records. Record processing is not allowed for multipart requests and request in FlowFileV3 format (minifi).
http, https, ingest, listen, rest
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
success Relationship for successfully received FlowFiles
Use Cases
  • Unpack FlowFileV3 content received in a POST
    Unpack FlowFileV3 content received in a POST
    POST requests with "Content-Type: application/flowfile-v3" will have their payload interpreted as FlowFileV3 format and will be automatically unpacked. This will output the original FlowFile(s) from within the FlowFileV3 format and will not require a separate UnpackContent processor.
    flowfile, flowfilev3, unpack
    This feature of ListenHTTP is always on, no configuration required.
    The MergeContent and PackageFlowFile processors can generate FlowFileV3 formatted data.