EvaluateJsonPath 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-standard-nar
Evaluates one or more JsonPath expressions against the content of a FlowFile. The results of those expressions are assigned to FlowFile Attributes or are written to the content of the FlowFile itself, depending on configuration of the Processor. JsonPaths are entered by adding user-defined properties; the name of the property maps to the Attribute Name into which the result will be placed (if the Destination is flowfile-attribute; otherwise, the property name is ignored). The value of the property must be a valid JsonPath expression. A Return Type of 'auto-detect' will make a determination based off the configured destination. When 'Destination' is set to 'flowfile-attribute,' a return type of 'scalar' will be used. When 'Destination' is set to 'flowfile-content,' a return type of 'JSON' will be used.If the JsonPath evaluates to a JSON array or JSON object and the Return Type is set to 'scalar' the FlowFile will be unmodified and will be routed to failure. A Return Type of JSON can return scalar values if the provided JsonPath evaluates to the specified value and will be routed as a match.If Destination is 'flowfile-content' and the JsonPath does not evaluate to a defined path, the FlowFile will be routed to 'unmatched' without having its contents modified. If Destination is 'flowfile-attribute' and the expression matches nothing, attributes will be created with empty strings as the value unless 'Path Not Found Behaviour' is set to 'skip', and the FlowFile will always be routed to 'matched.'
JSON, JsonPath, evaluate
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
  • Additional Details for EvaluateJsonPath 2.3.0


    Note: The underlying JsonPath library loads the entirety of the streamed content into and performs result evaluations in memory. Accordingly, it is important to consider the anticipated profile of content being evaluated by this processor and the hardware supporting it especially when working against large JSON documents.

    Additional Notes

    It’s a common pattern to make JSON from attributes in NiFi. Many of these attributes have periods in their names. For example record.count. To reference them safely, you must use this sort of operation which puts the entire key in brackets. This also applies to JSON keys that contain whitespace:


    $.[“record count”]

Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure FlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath cannot be evaluated against the content of the FlowFile; for instance, if the FlowFile is not valid JSON
matched FlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath is successfully evaluated and the FlowFile is modified as a result
unmatched FlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath does not match the content of the FlowFile and the Destination is set to flowfile-content