- AttributeRollingWindow
- AttributesToCSV
- AttributesToJSON
- CalculateRecordStats
- CaptureChangeMySQL
- CompressContent
- ConnectWebSocket
- ConsumeAMQP
- ConsumeAzureEventHub
- ConsumeBoxEnterpriseEvents
- ConsumeBoxEvents
- ConsumeElasticsearch
- ConsumeGCPubSub
- ConsumeIMAP
- ConsumeJMS
- ConsumeKafka
- ConsumeKinesisStream
- ConsumeMQTT
- ConsumePOP3
- ConsumeSlack
- ConsumeTwitter
- ConsumeWindowsEventLog
- ControlRate
- ConvertCharacterSet
- ConvertRecord
- CopyAzureBlobStorage_v12
- CopyS3Object
- CountText
- CryptographicHashContent
- DebugFlow
- DecryptContentAge
- DecryptContentPGP
- DeduplicateRecord
- DeleteAzureBlobStorage_v12
- DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage
- DeleteByQueryElasticsearch
- DeleteDynamoDB
- DeleteFile
- DeleteGCSObject
- DeleteGridFS
- DeleteMongo
- DeleteS3Object
- DeleteSFTP
- DeleteSQS
- DetectDuplicate
- DistributeLoad
- DuplicateFlowFile
- EncodeContent
- EncryptContentAge
- EncryptContentPGP
- EnforceOrder
- EvaluateJsonPath
- EvaluateXPath
- EvaluateXQuery
- ExecuteGroovyScript
- ExecuteProcess
- ExecuteScript
- ExecuteSQL
- ExecuteSQLRecord
- ExecuteStreamCommand
- ExtractAvroMetadata
- ExtractEmailAttachments
- ExtractEmailHeaders
- ExtractGrok
- ExtractHL7Attributes
- ExtractRecordSchema
- ExtractText
- FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12
- FetchAzureDataLakeStorage
- FetchBoxFile
- FetchBoxFileInfo
- FetchBoxFileRepresentation
- FetchDistributedMapCache
- FetchDropbox
- FetchFile
- FetchFTP
- FetchGCSObject
- FetchGoogleDrive
- FetchGridFS
- FetchS3Object
- FetchSFTP
- FetchSmb
- FilterAttribute
- FlattenJson
- ForkEnrichment
- ForkRecord
- GenerateFlowFile
- GenerateRecord
- GenerateTableFetch
- GeoEnrichIP
- GeoEnrichIPRecord
- GeohashRecord
- GetAsanaObject
- GetAwsPollyJobStatus
- GetAwsTextractJobStatus
- GetAwsTranscribeJobStatus
- GetAwsTranslateJobStatus
- GetAzureEventHub
- GetAzureQueueStorage_v12
- GetBoxFileCollaborators
- GetBoxGroupMembers
- GetDynamoDB
- GetElasticsearch
- GetFile
- GetFileResource
- GetFTP
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus
- GetHubSpot
- GetMongo
- GetMongoRecord
- GetS3ObjectMetadata
- GetS3ObjectTags
- GetShopify
- GetSmbFile
- GetSplunk
- GetSQS
- GetWorkdayReport
- GetZendesk
- HandleHttpRequest
- HandleHttpResponse
- IdentifyMimeType
- InvokeHTTP
- InvokeScriptedProcessor
- ISPEnrichIP
- JoinEnrichment
- JoltTransformJSON
- JoltTransformRecord
- JSLTTransformJSON
- JsonQueryElasticsearch
- ListAzureBlobStorage_v12
- ListAzureDataLakeStorage
- ListBoxFile
- ListDatabaseTables
- ListDropbox
- ListenFTP
- ListenHTTP
- ListenOTLP
- ListenSlack
- ListenSyslog
- ListenTCP
- ListenTrapSNMP
- ListenUDP
- ListenUDPRecord
- ListenWebSocket
- ListFile
- ListFTP
- ListGCSBucket
- ListGoogleDrive
- ListS3
- ListSFTP
- ListSmb
- LogAttribute
- LogMessage
- LookupAttribute
- LookupRecord
- MergeContent
- MergeRecord
- ModifyBytes
- ModifyCompression
- MonitorActivity
- MoveAzureDataLakeStorage
- Notify
- PackageFlowFile
- PaginatedJsonQueryElasticsearch
- ParseEvtx
- ParseNetflowv5
- ParseSyslog
- ParseSyslog5424
- PartitionRecord
- PublishAMQP
- PublishGCPubSub
- PublishJMS
- PublishKafka
- PublishMQTT
- PublishSlack
- PutAzureBlobStorage_v12
- PutAzureCosmosDBRecord
- PutAzureDataExplorer
- PutAzureDataLakeStorage
- PutAzureEventHub
- PutAzureQueueStorage_v12
- PutBigQuery
- PutBoxFile
- PutCloudWatchMetric
- PutDatabaseRecord
- PutDistributedMapCache
- PutDropbox
- PutDynamoDB
- PutDynamoDBRecord
- PutElasticsearchJson
- PutElasticsearchRecord
- PutEmail
- PutFile
- PutFTP
- PutGCSObject
- PutGoogleDrive
- PutGridFS
- PutKinesisFirehose
- PutKinesisStream
- PutLambda
- PutMongo
- PutMongoBulkOperations
- PutMongoRecord
- PutRecord
- PutRedisHashRecord
- PutS3Object
- PutSalesforceObject
- PutSmbFile
- PutSNS
- PutSplunk
- PutSplunkHTTP
- PutSQL
- PutSQS
- PutSyslog
- PutTCP
- PutUDP
- PutWebSocket
- PutZendeskTicket
- QueryAirtableTable
- QueryAzureDataExplorer
- QueryDatabaseTable
- QueryDatabaseTableRecord
- QueryRecord
- QuerySalesforceObject
- QuerySplunkIndexingStatus
- RemoveRecordField
- RenameRecordField
- ReplaceText
- ReplaceTextWithMapping
- RetryFlowFile
- RouteHL7
- RouteOnAttribute
- RouteOnContent
- RouteText
- RunMongoAggregation
- SampleRecord
- ScanAttribute
- ScanContent
- ScriptedFilterRecord
- ScriptedPartitionRecord
- ScriptedTransformRecord
- ScriptedValidateRecord
- SearchElasticsearch
- SegmentContent
- SendTrapSNMP
- SignContentPGP
- SplitAvro
- SplitContent
- SplitExcel
- SplitJson
- SplitPCAP
- SplitRecord
- SplitText
- SplitXml
- StartAwsPollyJob
- StartAwsTextractJob
- StartAwsTranscribeJob
- StartAwsTranslateJob
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation
- TagS3Object
- TailFile
- TransformXml
- UnpackContent
- UpdateAttribute
- UpdateByQueryElasticsearch
- UpdateCounter
- UpdateDatabaseTable
- UpdateRecord
- ValidateCsv
- ValidateJson
- ValidateRecord
- ValidateXml
- VerifyContentMAC
- VerifyContentPGP
- Wait
Controller Services
- ADLSCredentialsControllerService
- ADLSCredentialsControllerServiceLookup
- AmazonGlueSchemaRegistry
- ApicurioSchemaRegistry
- AvroReader
- AvroRecordSetWriter
- AvroSchemaRegistry
- AWSCredentialsProviderControllerService
- AzureBlobStorageFileResourceService
- AzureCosmosDBClientService
- AzureDataLakeStorageFileResourceService
- AzureEventHubRecordSink
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerService_v12
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerServiceLookup_v12
- CEFReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceWriter
- ConfluentSchemaRegistry
- CSVReader
- CSVRecordLookupService
- CSVRecordSetWriter
- DatabaseRecordLookupService
- DatabaseRecordSink
- DatabaseTableSchemaRegistry
- DBCPConnectionPool
- DBCPConnectionPoolLookup
- DeveloperBoxClientService
- DistributedMapCacheLookupService
- ElasticSearchClientServiceImpl
- ElasticSearchLookupService
- ElasticSearchStringLookupService
- EmailRecordSink
- EmbeddedHazelcastCacheManager
- ExcelReader
- ExternalHazelcastCacheManager
- FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter
- GCPCredentialsControllerService
- GCSFileResourceService
- GrokReader
- HazelcastMapCacheClient
- HikariCPConnectionPool
- HttpRecordSink
- IPLookupService
- JettyWebSocketClient
- JettyWebSocketServer
- JMSConnectionFactoryProvider
- JndiJmsConnectionFactoryProvider
- JsonConfigBasedBoxClientService
- JsonPathReader
- JsonRecordSetWriter
- JsonTreeReader
- Kafka3ConnectionService
- KerberosKeytabUserService
- KerberosPasswordUserService
- KerberosTicketCacheUserService
- LoggingRecordSink
- MapCacheClientService
- MapCacheServer
- MongoDBControllerService
- MongoDBLookupService
- PEMEncodedSSLContextProvider
- PropertiesFileLookupService
- ProtobufReader
- ReaderLookup
- RecordSetWriterLookup
- RecordSinkServiceLookup
- RedisConnectionPoolService
- RedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- RestLookupService
- S3FileResourceService
- ScriptedLookupService
- ScriptedReader
- ScriptedRecordSetWriter
- ScriptedRecordSink
- SetCacheClientService
- SetCacheServer
- SimpleCsvFileLookupService
- SimpleDatabaseLookupService
- SimpleKeyValueLookupService
- SimpleRedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- SimpleScriptedLookupService
- SiteToSiteReportingRecordSink
- SlackRecordSink
- SmbjClientProviderService
- StandardAsanaClientProviderService
- StandardAzureCredentialsControllerService
- StandardDatabaseDialectService
- StandardDropboxCredentialService
- StandardFileResourceService
- StandardHashiCorpVaultClientService
- StandardHttpContextMap
- StandardJsonSchemaRegistry
- StandardKustoIngestService
- StandardKustoQueryService
- StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider
- StandardPGPPrivateKeyService
- StandardPGPPublicKeyService
- StandardPrivateKeyService
- StandardProxyConfigurationService
- StandardRestrictedSSLContextService
- StandardS3EncryptionService
- StandardSSLContextService
- StandardWebClientServiceProvider
- Syslog5424Reader
- SyslogReader
- UDPEventRecordSink
- VolatileSchemaCache
- WindowsEventLogReader
- XMLFileLookupService
- XMLReader
- XMLRecordSetWriter
- YamlTreeReader
- ZendeskRecordSink
QuerySalesforceObject 2.3.0
- Bundle
- org.apache.nifi | nifi-salesforce-nar
- Description
- Retrieves records from a Salesforce sObject. Users can add arbitrary filter conditions by setting the 'Custom WHERE Condition' property. The processor can also run a custom query, although record processing is not supported in that case. Supports incremental retrieval: users can define a field in the 'Age Field' property that will be used to determine when the record was created. When this property is set the processor will retrieve new records. Incremental loading and record-based processing are only supported in property-based queries. It's also possible to define an initial cutoff value for the age, filtering out all older records even for the first run. In case of 'Property Based Query' this processor should run on the Primary Node only. FlowFile attribute 'record.count' indicates how many records were retrieved and written to the output. The processor can accept an optional input FlowFile and reference the FlowFile attributes in the query. When 'Include Deleted Records' is true, the processor will include deleted records (soft-deletes) in the results by using the 'queryAll' API. The 'IsDeleted' field will be automatically included in the results when querying deleted records.
- Tags
- query, salesforce, sobject, soql
- Input Requirement
- Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
- false
Additional Details for QuerySalesforceObject 2.3.0
Objects in Salesforce are database tables, their rows are known as records, and their columns are called fields. The QuerySalesforceObject processor queries Salesforce objects and retrieves their records. The processor constructs the query from processor properties or executes a custom SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query and retrieves the result record dataset using the Salesforce REST API. The ‘Query Type’ processor property allows the query to be built in two ways. The ‘Property Based Query’ option allows to define a ‘SELECT
from ’ type query, with the fields defined in the ‘Field Names’ property and the Salesforce object defined in the ‘sObject Name’ property, whereas the ‘Custom Query’ option allows you to supply an arbitrary SOQL query. By using ‘Custom Query’, the processor can accept an optional input flowfile and reference the flowfile attributes in the query. However, incremental loading and record-based processing are only supported in ‘Property Based Queries’. OAuth2 Access Token Provider Service
The OAuth2 Access Token Provider Service handles Salesforce REST API authorization. In order to use OAuth2 authorization, create a new StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider service and configure it as follows.
- Authorization Server URL: It is the concatenation of the Salesforce URL and the token request service URL ( /services/oauth2/token).
- Grant Type: User Password.
- Username: The email address registered in the Salesforce account.
- Password: For the Password a Security token must be requested. Go to Profile -> Settings and under the Reset My Security Token option, request one, which will be sent to the registered email address. The password is made up of the Salesforce account password and the Security token concatenated together without a space.
- Client ID: Create a new Connected App within Salesforce. Go to Setup -> On the left search panel find App Manager -> Create New Connected App. Once it’s done, the Consumer Key goes to the Client ID property.
- Client Secret: Available on the Connected App page under Consumer Secret.
Age properties
The age properties are important to avoid processing duplicate records. Age filtering provides a sliding window that starts with the processor’s prior run time and ends with the current run time minus the age delay. Only records that are within the sliding window are queried and processed. On the processor, the Age Field property must be a datetime field of the queried object, this will be subject to the condition that it is greater than the processor’s previous but less than the current run time (e.g. LastModifiedDate). The first run, for example, will query records whose LastModifiedDate field is earlier than the current run time. The second will look for records with LastModifiedDate fields that are later than the previous run time but earlier than the current run time.
The processor uses the Initial Age Filter as a specific timestamp that sets the beginning of the sliding window from which processing builds the initial query. The format must adhere to the Salesforce SOQL standards (see Salesforce documentation). The Age Delay moves the time of the records to be processed earlier than the current run time if necessary.
Age Delay
The ending timestamp of the time window will be adjusted earlier by the amount configured in this property. For example, with a property value of 10 seconds, an ending timestamp of 12:30:45 would be changed to 12:30:35.
- Display Name
- Age Delay
- Description
- The ending timestamp of the time window will be adjusted earlier by the amount configured in this property. For example, with a property value of 10 seconds, an ending timestamp of 12:30:45 would be changed to 12:30:35.
- API Name
- age-delay
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
- Age Field is set to any value specified
Age Field
The name of a TIMESTAMP field that will be used to filter records using a bounded time window.The processor will return only those records with a timestamp value newer than the timestamp recorded after the last processor run.
- Display Name
- Age Field
- Description
- The name of a TIMESTAMP field that will be used to filter records using a bounded time window.The processor will return only those records with a timestamp value newer than the timestamp recorded after the last processor run.
- API Name
- age-field
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Create Zero Record FlowFiles
Specifies whether or not to create a FlowFile when the Salesforce REST API does not return any records
- Display Name
- Create Zero Record FlowFiles
- Description
- Specifies whether or not to create a FlowFile when the Salesforce REST API does not return any records
- API Name
- create-zero-record-files
- Default Value
- false
- Allowable Values
- true
- false
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Custom SOQL Query
Specify the SOQL query to run.
- Display Name
- Custom SOQL Query
- Description
- Specify the SOQL query to run.
- API Name
- custom-soql-query
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables and FlowFile Attributes
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [custom-query]
Custom WHERE Condition
A custom expression to be added in the WHERE clause of the query
- Display Name
- Custom WHERE Condition
- Description
- A custom expression to be added in the WHERE clause of the query
- API Name
- custom-where-condition
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables and FlowFile Attributes
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Field Names
Comma-separated list of field names requested from the sObject to be queried. When this field is left empty, all fields are queried.
- Display Name
- Field Names
- Description
- Comma-separated list of field names requested from the sObject to be queried. When this field is left empty, all fields are queried.
- API Name
- field-names
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Include Deleted Records
If true, the processor will include deleted records (IsDeleted = true) in the query results. When enabled, the processor will use the 'queryAll' API.
- Display Name
- Include Deleted Records
- Description
- If true, the processor will include deleted records (IsDeleted = true) in the query results. When enabled, the processor will use the 'queryAll' API.
- API Name
- include-deleted-records
- Default Value
- false
- Allowable Values
- true
- false
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Initial Age Start Time
This property specifies the start time that the processor applies when running the first query.
- Display Name
- Initial Age Start Time
- Description
- This property specifies the start time that the processor applies when running the first query.
- API Name
- initial-age-filter
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
- Age Field is set to any value specified
OAuth2 Access Token Provider
Service providing OAuth2 Access Tokens for authenticating using the HTTP Authorization Header
- Display Name
- OAuth2 Access Token Provider
- Description
- Service providing OAuth2 Access Tokens for authenticating using the HTTP Authorization Header
- API Name
- oauth2-access-token-provider
- Service Interface
- org.apache.nifi.oauth2.OAuth2AccessTokenProvider
- Service Implementations
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Query Type
Choose to provide the query by parameters or a full custom query.
- Display Name
- Query Type
- Description
- Choose to provide the query by parameters or a full custom query.
- API Name
- query-type
- Default Value
- property-based-query
- Allowable Values
- Property Based Query
- Custom Query
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Read Timeout
Maximum time allowed for reading a response from the Salesforce REST API
- Display Name
- Read Timeout
- Description
- Maximum time allowed for reading a response from the Salesforce REST API
- API Name
- read-timeout
- Default Value
- 15 s
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Record Writer
Service used for writing records returned from the Salesforce REST API
- Display Name
- Record Writer
- Description
- Service used for writing records returned from the Salesforce REST API
- API Name
- record-writer
- Service Interface
- org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordSetWriterFactory
- Service Implementations
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
API Version
The version number of the Salesforce REST API appended to the URL after the services/data path. See Salesforce documentation for supported versions
- Display Name
- API Version
- Description
- The version number of the Salesforce REST API appended to the URL after the services/data path. See Salesforce documentation for supported versions
- API Name
- salesforce-api-version
- Default Value
- 54.0
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Salesforce Instance URL
The URL of the Salesforce instance including the domain without additional path information, such as https://MyDomainName.my.salesforce.com
- Display Name
- Salesforce Instance URL
- Description
- The URL of the Salesforce instance including the domain without additional path information, such as https://MyDomainName.my.salesforce.com
- API Name
- salesforce-url
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
sObject Name
The Salesforce sObject to be queried
- Display Name
- sObject Name
- Description
- The Salesforce sObject to be queried
- API Name
- sobject-name
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
- Dependencies
- Query Type is set to any of [property-based-query]
Scopes | Description |
CLUSTER | When 'Age Field' is set, after performing a query the time of execution is stored. Subsequent queries will be augmented with an additional condition so that only records that are newer than the stored execution time (adjusted with the optional value of 'Age Delay') will be retrieved. State is stored across the cluster so that this Processor can be run on Primary Node only and if a new Primary Node is selected, the new node can pick up where the previous node left off, without duplicating the data. |
Name | Description |
failure | The input flowfile gets sent to this relationship when the query fails. |
original | The input flowfile gets sent to this relationship when the query succeeds. |
success | For FlowFiles created as a result of a successful query. |
Name | Description |
mime.type | Sets the mime.type attribute to the MIME Type specified by the Record Writer. |
record.count | Sets the number of records in the FlowFile. |
total.record.count | Sets the total number of records in the FlowFile. |