SplitPCAP 2.2.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-network-processors-nar
Splits one pcap file into multiple pcap files based on a maximum size.
Capture, Network, PCAP, Packet, Splitter, TShark, TcpDump, WinDump, Wireshark, sniffers
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure If a FlowFile cannot be transformed from the configured input format to the configured output format, the unchanged FlowFile will be routed to this relationship.
original The original FlowFile that was split into segments. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to this relationship
split The individual PCAP 'segments' of the original PCAP FlowFile will be routed to this relationship.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
error.reason The reason the FlowFile was sent to the failure relationship.
fragment.identifier All split PCAP FlowFiles produced from the same parent PCAP FlowFile will have the same randomly generated UUID added for this attribute
fragment.index A one-up number that indicates the ordering of the split PCAP FlowFiles that were created from a single parent PCAP FlowFile
fragment.count The number of split PCAP FlowFiles generated from the parent PCAP FlowFile
segment.original.filename The filename of the parent PCAP FlowFile