ConsumeMQTT 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-mqtt-nar
Subscribes to a topic and receives messages from an MQTT broker
IOT, MQTT, consume, listen, subscribe
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
  • Additional Details for ConsumeMQTT 2.3.0


    The MQTT messages are always being sent to subscribers on a topic regardless of how frequently the processor is scheduled to run. If the ‘Run Schedule’ is significantly behind the rate at which the messages are arriving to this processor, then a back-up can occur in the internal queue of this processor. Each time the processor is scheduled, the messages in the internal queue will be written to FlowFiles. In case the internal queue is full, the MQTT client will try for up to 1 second to add the message into the internal queue. If the internal queue is still full after this time, an exception saying that ‘The subscriber queue is full’ would be thrown, the message would be dropped and the client would be disconnected. In case the QoS property is set to 0, the message would be lost. In case the QoS property is set to 1 or 2, the message will be received after the client reconnects.

System Resource Considerations
Resource Description
MEMORY The 'Max Queue Size' specifies the maximum number of messages that can be hold in memory by NiFi by a single instance of this processor. A high value for this property could represent a lot of data being stored in memory.
Name Description
parse.failure If a message cannot be parsed using the configured Record Reader, the contents of the message will be routed to this Relationship as its own individual FlowFile.
Message The MQTT message output
Writes Attributes
Name Description
record.count The number of records received MQTT broker that was the message source
mqtt.topic MQTT topic on which message was received
mqtt.qos The quality of service for this message.
mqtt.isDuplicate Whether or not this message might be a duplicate of one which has already been received.
mqtt.isRetained Whether or not this message was from a current publisher, or was "retained" by the server as the last message published on the topic.
See Also