- AttributeRollingWindow
- AttributesToCSV
- AttributesToJSON
- CalculateRecordStats
- CaptureChangeMySQL
- CompressContent
- ConnectWebSocket
- ConsumeAMQP
- ConsumeAzureEventHub
- ConsumeBoxEnterpriseEvents
- ConsumeBoxEvents
- ConsumeElasticsearch
- ConsumeGCPubSub
- ConsumeIMAP
- ConsumeJMS
- ConsumeKafka
- ConsumeKinesisStream
- ConsumeMQTT
- ConsumePOP3
- ConsumeSlack
- ConsumeTwitter
- ConsumeWindowsEventLog
- ControlRate
- ConvertCharacterSet
- ConvertRecord
- CopyAzureBlobStorage_v12
- CopyS3Object
- CountText
- CryptographicHashContent
- DebugFlow
- DecryptContentAge
- DecryptContentPGP
- DeduplicateRecord
- DeleteAzureBlobStorage_v12
- DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage
- DeleteByQueryElasticsearch
- DeleteDynamoDB
- DeleteFile
- DeleteGCSObject
- DeleteGridFS
- DeleteMongo
- DeleteS3Object
- DeleteSFTP
- DeleteSQS
- DetectDuplicate
- DistributeLoad
- DuplicateFlowFile
- EncodeContent
- EncryptContentAge
- EncryptContentPGP
- EnforceOrder
- EvaluateJsonPath
- EvaluateXPath
- EvaluateXQuery
- ExecuteGroovyScript
- ExecuteProcess
- ExecuteScript
- ExecuteSQL
- ExecuteSQLRecord
- ExecuteStreamCommand
- ExtractAvroMetadata
- ExtractEmailAttachments
- ExtractEmailHeaders
- ExtractGrok
- ExtractHL7Attributes
- ExtractRecordSchema
- ExtractText
- FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12
- FetchAzureDataLakeStorage
- FetchBoxFile
- FetchBoxFileInfo
- FetchBoxFileRepresentation
- FetchDistributedMapCache
- FetchDropbox
- FetchFile
- FetchFTP
- FetchGCSObject
- FetchGoogleDrive
- FetchGridFS
- FetchS3Object
- FetchSFTP
- FetchSmb
- FilterAttribute
- FlattenJson
- ForkEnrichment
- ForkRecord
- GenerateFlowFile
- GenerateRecord
- GenerateTableFetch
- GeoEnrichIP
- GeoEnrichIPRecord
- GeohashRecord
- GetAsanaObject
- GetAwsPollyJobStatus
- GetAwsTextractJobStatus
- GetAwsTranscribeJobStatus
- GetAwsTranslateJobStatus
- GetAzureEventHub
- GetAzureQueueStorage_v12
- GetBoxFileCollaborators
- GetBoxGroupMembers
- GetDynamoDB
- GetElasticsearch
- GetFile
- GetFileResource
- GetFTP
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus
- GetHubSpot
- GetMongo
- GetMongoRecord
- GetS3ObjectMetadata
- GetS3ObjectTags
- GetShopify
- GetSmbFile
- GetSplunk
- GetSQS
- GetWorkdayReport
- GetZendesk
- HandleHttpRequest
- HandleHttpResponse
- IdentifyMimeType
- InvokeHTTP
- InvokeScriptedProcessor
- ISPEnrichIP
- JoinEnrichment
- JoltTransformJSON
- JoltTransformRecord
- JSLTTransformJSON
- JsonQueryElasticsearch
- ListAzureBlobStorage_v12
- ListAzureDataLakeStorage
- ListBoxFile
- ListDatabaseTables
- ListDropbox
- ListenFTP
- ListenHTTP
- ListenOTLP
- ListenSlack
- ListenSyslog
- ListenTCP
- ListenTrapSNMP
- ListenUDP
- ListenUDPRecord
- ListenWebSocket
- ListFile
- ListFTP
- ListGCSBucket
- ListGoogleDrive
- ListS3
- ListSFTP
- ListSmb
- LogAttribute
- LogMessage
- LookupAttribute
- LookupRecord
- MergeContent
- MergeRecord
- ModifyBytes
- ModifyCompression
- MonitorActivity
- MoveAzureDataLakeStorage
- Notify
- PackageFlowFile
- PaginatedJsonQueryElasticsearch
- ParseEvtx
- ParseNetflowv5
- ParseSyslog
- ParseSyslog5424
- PartitionRecord
- PublishAMQP
- PublishGCPubSub
- PublishJMS
- PublishKafka
- PublishMQTT
- PublishSlack
- PutAzureBlobStorage_v12
- PutAzureCosmosDBRecord
- PutAzureDataExplorer
- PutAzureDataLakeStorage
- PutAzureEventHub
- PutAzureQueueStorage_v12
- PutBigQuery
- PutBoxFile
- PutCloudWatchMetric
- PutDatabaseRecord
- PutDistributedMapCache
- PutDropbox
- PutDynamoDB
- PutDynamoDBRecord
- PutElasticsearchJson
- PutElasticsearchRecord
- PutEmail
- PutFile
- PutFTP
- PutGCSObject
- PutGoogleDrive
- PutGridFS
- PutKinesisFirehose
- PutKinesisStream
- PutLambda
- PutMongo
- PutMongoBulkOperations
- PutMongoRecord
- PutRecord
- PutRedisHashRecord
- PutS3Object
- PutSalesforceObject
- PutSmbFile
- PutSNS
- PutSplunk
- PutSplunkHTTP
- PutSQL
- PutSQS
- PutSyslog
- PutTCP
- PutUDP
- PutWebSocket
- PutZendeskTicket
- QueryAirtableTable
- QueryAzureDataExplorer
- QueryDatabaseTable
- QueryDatabaseTableRecord
- QueryRecord
- QuerySalesforceObject
- QuerySplunkIndexingStatus
- RemoveRecordField
- RenameRecordField
- ReplaceText
- ReplaceTextWithMapping
- RetryFlowFile
- RouteHL7
- RouteOnAttribute
- RouteOnContent
- RouteText
- RunMongoAggregation
- SampleRecord
- ScanAttribute
- ScanContent
- ScriptedFilterRecord
- ScriptedPartitionRecord
- ScriptedTransformRecord
- ScriptedValidateRecord
- SearchElasticsearch
- SegmentContent
- SendTrapSNMP
- SignContentPGP
- SplitAvro
- SplitContent
- SplitExcel
- SplitJson
- SplitPCAP
- SplitRecord
- SplitText
- SplitXml
- StartAwsPollyJob
- StartAwsTextractJob
- StartAwsTranscribeJob
- StartAwsTranslateJob
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation
- TagS3Object
- TailFile
- TransformXml
- UnpackContent
- UpdateAttribute
- UpdateByQueryElasticsearch
- UpdateCounter
- UpdateDatabaseTable
- UpdateRecord
- ValidateCsv
- ValidateJson
- ValidateRecord
- ValidateXml
- VerifyContentMAC
- VerifyContentPGP
- Wait
Controller Services
- ADLSCredentialsControllerService
- ADLSCredentialsControllerServiceLookup
- AmazonGlueSchemaRegistry
- ApicurioSchemaRegistry
- AvroReader
- AvroRecordSetWriter
- AvroSchemaRegistry
- AWSCredentialsProviderControllerService
- AzureBlobStorageFileResourceService
- AzureCosmosDBClientService
- AzureDataLakeStorageFileResourceService
- AzureEventHubRecordSink
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerService_v12
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerServiceLookup_v12
- CEFReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceWriter
- ConfluentSchemaRegistry
- CSVReader
- CSVRecordLookupService
- CSVRecordSetWriter
- DatabaseRecordLookupService
- DatabaseRecordSink
- DatabaseTableSchemaRegistry
- DBCPConnectionPool
- DBCPConnectionPoolLookup
- DeveloperBoxClientService
- DistributedMapCacheLookupService
- ElasticSearchClientServiceImpl
- ElasticSearchLookupService
- ElasticSearchStringLookupService
- EmailRecordSink
- EmbeddedHazelcastCacheManager
- ExcelReader
- ExternalHazelcastCacheManager
- FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter
- GCPCredentialsControllerService
- GCSFileResourceService
- GrokReader
- HazelcastMapCacheClient
- HikariCPConnectionPool
- HttpRecordSink
- IPLookupService
- JettyWebSocketClient
- JettyWebSocketServer
- JMSConnectionFactoryProvider
- JndiJmsConnectionFactoryProvider
- JsonConfigBasedBoxClientService
- JsonPathReader
- JsonRecordSetWriter
- JsonTreeReader
- Kafka3ConnectionService
- KerberosKeytabUserService
- KerberosPasswordUserService
- KerberosTicketCacheUserService
- LoggingRecordSink
- MapCacheClientService
- MapCacheServer
- MongoDBControllerService
- MongoDBLookupService
- PEMEncodedSSLContextProvider
- PropertiesFileLookupService
- ProtobufReader
- ReaderLookup
- RecordSetWriterLookup
- RecordSinkServiceLookup
- RedisConnectionPoolService
- RedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- RestLookupService
- S3FileResourceService
- ScriptedLookupService
- ScriptedReader
- ScriptedRecordSetWriter
- ScriptedRecordSink
- SetCacheClientService
- SetCacheServer
- SimpleCsvFileLookupService
- SimpleDatabaseLookupService
- SimpleKeyValueLookupService
- SimpleRedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- SimpleScriptedLookupService
- SiteToSiteReportingRecordSink
- SlackRecordSink
- SmbjClientProviderService
- StandardAsanaClientProviderService
- StandardAzureCredentialsControllerService
- StandardDatabaseDialectService
- StandardDropboxCredentialService
- StandardFileResourceService
- StandardHashiCorpVaultClientService
- StandardHttpContextMap
- StandardJsonSchemaRegistry
- StandardKustoIngestService
- StandardKustoQueryService
- StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider
- StandardPGPPrivateKeyService
- StandardPGPPublicKeyService
- StandardPrivateKeyService
- StandardProxyConfigurationService
- StandardRestrictedSSLContextService
- StandardS3EncryptionService
- StandardSSLContextService
- StandardWebClientServiceProvider
- Syslog5424Reader
- SyslogReader
- UDPEventRecordSink
- VolatileSchemaCache
- WindowsEventLogReader
- XMLFileLookupService
- XMLReader
- XMLRecordSetWriter
- YamlTreeReader
- ZendeskRecordSink
JoltTransformJSON 2.3.0
- Bundle
- org.apache.nifi | nifi-jolt-nar
- Description
- Applies a list of Jolt specifications to the flowfile JSON payload. A new FlowFile is created with transformed content and is routed to the 'success' relationship. If the JSON transform fails, the original FlowFile is routed to the 'failure' relationship.
- Tags
- cardinality, chainr, defaultr, jolt, json, removr, shiftr, sort, transform
- Input Requirement
- Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
- false
Additional Details for JoltTransformJSON 2.3.0
Usage Information
The Jolt utilities processing JSON are not stream based therefore large JSON document transformation may consume large amounts of memory. Currently, UTF-8 FlowFile content and Jolt specifications are supported. A specification can be defined using Expression Language where attributes can be referred either on the left or right hand side within the specification syntax. Custom Jolt Transformations (that implement the Transform interface) are supported. Modules containing custom libraries which do not existing on the current class path can be included via the custom module directory property. Note: When configuring a processor if user selects of the Default transformation yet provides a Chain specification the system does not alert that the specification is invalid and will produce failed flow files. This is a known issue identified within the Jolt library.
Custom Module Directory
Comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories which contain modules containing custom transformations (that are not included on NiFi's classpath).
- Display Name
- Custom Module Directory
- Description
- Comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories which contain modules containing custom transformations (that are not included on NiFi's classpath).
- API Name
- Custom Module Directory
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables defined at JVM level and system properties
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Jolt Transform is set to any of [jolt-transform-custom]
Custom Transformation Class Name
Fully Qualified Class Name for Custom Transformation
- Display Name
- Custom Transformation Class Name
- Description
- Fully Qualified Class Name for Custom Transformation
- API Name
- Custom Transformation Class Name
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables and FlowFile Attributes
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
- Dependencies
- Jolt Transform is set to any of [jolt-transform-custom]
Jolt Specification
Jolt Specification for transformation of JSON data. The value for this property may be the text of a Jolt specification or the path to a file containing a Jolt specification. 'Jolt Specification' must be set, or the value is ignored if the Jolt Sort Transformation is selected.
- Display Name
- Jolt Specification
- Description
- Jolt Specification for transformation of JSON data. The value for this property may be the text of a Jolt specification or the path to a file containing a Jolt specification. 'Jolt Specification' must be set, or the value is ignored if the Jolt Sort Transformation is selected.
- API Name
- Jolt Specification
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables and FlowFile Attributes
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
Jolt Transform
Specifies the Jolt Transformation that should be used with the provided specification.
- Display Name
- Jolt Transform
- Description
- Specifies the Jolt Transformation that should be used with the provided specification.
- API Name
- Jolt Transform
- Default Value
- jolt-transform-chain
- Allowable Values
- Shift
- Chain
- Default
- Remove
- Cardinality
- Sort
- Custom
- Modify - Default
- Modify - Overwrite
- Modify - Define
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Max String Length
The maximum allowed length of a string value when parsing the JSON document
- Display Name
- Max String Length
- Description
- The maximum allowed length of a string value when parsing the JSON document
- API Name
- Max String Length
- Default Value
- 20 MB
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Pretty Print
Apply pretty print formatting to the output of the Jolt transform
- Display Name
- Pretty Print
- Description
- Apply pretty print formatting to the output of the Jolt transform
- API Name
- Pretty Print
- Default Value
- false
- Allowable Values
- true
- false
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Transform Cache Size
Compiling a Jolt Transform can be fairly expensive. Ideally, this will be done only once. However, if the Expression Language is used in the transform, we may need a new Transform for each FlowFile. This value controls how many of those Transforms we cache in memory in order to avoid having to compile the Transform each time.
- Display Name
- Transform Cache Size
- Description
- Compiling a Jolt Transform can be fairly expensive. Ideally, this will be done only once. However, if the Expression Language is used in the transform, we may need a new Transform for each FlowFile. This value controls how many of those Transforms we cache in memory in order to avoid having to compile the Transform each time.
- API Name
- Transform Cache Size
- Default Value
- 1
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Name | Description |
failure | If a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not valid JSON), it will be routed to this relationship |
success | The FlowFile with transformed content will be routed to this relationship |
Name | Description |
mime.type | Always set to application/json |