- AttributeRollingWindow
- AttributesToCSV
- AttributesToJSON
- CalculateRecordStats
- CaptureChangeMySQL
- CompressContent
- ConnectWebSocket
- ConsumeAMQP
- ConsumeAzureEventHub
- ConsumeElasticsearch
- ConsumeGCPubSub
- ConsumeIMAP
- ConsumeJMS
- ConsumeKafka
- ConsumeKinesisStream
- ConsumeMQTT
- ConsumePOP3
- ConsumeSlack
- ConsumeTwitter
- ConsumeWindowsEventLog
- ControlRate
- ConvertCharacterSet
- ConvertRecord
- CopyAzureBlobStorage_v12
- CopyS3Object
- CountText
- CryptographicHashContent
- DebugFlow
- DecryptContentAge
- DecryptContentPGP
- DeduplicateRecord
- DeleteAzureBlobStorage_v12
- DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage
- DeleteByQueryElasticsearch
- DeleteDynamoDB
- DeleteFile
- DeleteGCSObject
- DeleteGridFS
- DeleteMongo
- DeleteS3Object
- DeleteSFTP
- DeleteSQS
- DetectDuplicate
- DistributeLoad
- DuplicateFlowFile
- EncodeContent
- EncryptContentAge
- EncryptContentPGP
- EnforceOrder
- EvaluateJsonPath
- EvaluateXPath
- EvaluateXQuery
- ExecuteGroovyScript
- ExecuteProcess
- ExecuteScript
- ExecuteSQL
- ExecuteSQLRecord
- ExecuteStreamCommand
- ExtractAvroMetadata
- ExtractEmailAttachments
- ExtractEmailHeaders
- ExtractGrok
- ExtractHL7Attributes
- ExtractRecordSchema
- ExtractText
- FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12
- FetchAzureDataLakeStorage
- FetchBoxFile
- FetchDistributedMapCache
- FetchDropbox
- FetchFile
- FetchFTP
- FetchGCSObject
- FetchGoogleDrive
- FetchGridFS
- FetchS3Object
- FetchSFTP
- FetchSmb
- FilterAttribute
- FlattenJson
- ForkEnrichment
- ForkRecord
- GenerateFlowFile
- GenerateRecord
- GenerateTableFetch
- GeoEnrichIP
- GeoEnrichIPRecord
- GeohashRecord
- GetAsanaObject
- GetAwsPollyJobStatus
- GetAwsTextractJobStatus
- GetAwsTranscribeJobStatus
- GetAwsTranslateJobStatus
- GetAzureEventHub
- GetAzureQueueStorage_v12
- GetDynamoDB
- GetElasticsearch
- GetFile
- GetFTP
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus
- GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus
- GetHubSpot
- GetMongo
- GetMongoRecord
- GetS3ObjectMetadata
- GetShopify
- GetSmbFile
- GetSplunk
- GetSQS
- GetWorkdayReport
- GetZendesk
- HandleHttpRequest
- HandleHttpResponse
- IdentifyMimeType
- InvokeHTTP
- InvokeScriptedProcessor
- ISPEnrichIP
- JoinEnrichment
- JoltTransformJSON
- JoltTransformRecord
- JSLTTransformJSON
- JsonQueryElasticsearch
- ListAzureBlobStorage_v12
- ListAzureDataLakeStorage
- ListBoxFile
- ListDatabaseTables
- ListDropbox
- ListenFTP
- ListenHTTP
- ListenOTLP
- ListenSlack
- ListenSyslog
- ListenTCP
- ListenTrapSNMP
- ListenUDP
- ListenUDPRecord
- ListenWebSocket
- ListFile
- ListFTP
- ListGCSBucket
- ListGoogleDrive
- ListS3
- ListSFTP
- ListSmb
- LogAttribute
- LogMessage
- LookupAttribute
- LookupRecord
- MergeContent
- MergeRecord
- ModifyBytes
- ModifyCompression
- MonitorActivity
- MoveAzureDataLakeStorage
- Notify
- PackageFlowFile
- PaginatedJsonQueryElasticsearch
- ParseEvtx
- ParseNetflowv5
- ParseSyslog
- ParseSyslog5424
- PartitionRecord
- PublishAMQP
- PublishGCPubSub
- PublishJMS
- PublishKafka
- PublishMQTT
- PublishSlack
- PutAzureBlobStorage_v12
- PutAzureCosmosDBRecord
- PutAzureDataExplorer
- PutAzureDataLakeStorage
- PutAzureEventHub
- PutAzureQueueStorage_v12
- PutBigQuery
- PutBoxFile
- PutCloudWatchMetric
- PutDatabaseRecord
- PutDistributedMapCache
- PutDropbox
- PutDynamoDB
- PutDynamoDBRecord
- PutElasticsearchJson
- PutElasticsearchRecord
- PutEmail
- PutFile
- PutFTP
- PutGCSObject
- PutGoogleDrive
- PutGridFS
- PutKinesisFirehose
- PutKinesisStream
- PutLambda
- PutMongo
- PutMongoBulkOperations
- PutMongoRecord
- PutRecord
- PutRedisHashRecord
- PutS3Object
- PutSalesforceObject
- PutSmbFile
- PutSNS
- PutSplunk
- PutSplunkHTTP
- PutSQL
- PutSQS
- PutSyslog
- PutTCP
- PutUDP
- PutWebSocket
- PutZendeskTicket
- QueryAirtableTable
- QueryAzureDataExplorer
- QueryDatabaseTable
- QueryDatabaseTableRecord
- QueryRecord
- QuerySalesforceObject
- QuerySplunkIndexingStatus
- RemoveRecordField
- RenameRecordField
- ReplaceText
- ReplaceTextWithMapping
- RetryFlowFile
- RouteHL7
- RouteOnAttribute
- RouteOnContent
- RouteText
- RunMongoAggregation
- SampleRecord
- ScanAttribute
- ScanContent
- ScriptedFilterRecord
- ScriptedPartitionRecord
- ScriptedTransformRecord
- ScriptedValidateRecord
- SearchElasticsearch
- SegmentContent
- SendTrapSNMP
- SignContentPGP
- SplitAvro
- SplitContent
- SplitExcel
- SplitJson
- SplitPCAP
- SplitRecord
- SplitText
- SplitXml
- StartAwsPollyJob
- StartAwsTextractJob
- StartAwsTranscribeJob
- StartAwsTranslateJob
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation
- StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation
- TagS3Object
- TailFile
- TransformXml
- UnpackContent
- UpdateAttribute
- UpdateByQueryElasticsearch
- UpdateCounter
- UpdateDatabaseTable
- UpdateRecord
- ValidateCsv
- ValidateJson
- ValidateRecord
- ValidateXml
- VerifyContentMAC
- VerifyContentPGP
- Wait
Controller Services
- ADLSCredentialsControllerService
- ADLSCredentialsControllerServiceLookup
- AmazonGlueSchemaRegistry
- ApicurioSchemaRegistry
- AvroReader
- AvroRecordSetWriter
- AvroSchemaRegistry
- AWSCredentialsProviderControllerService
- AzureBlobStorageFileResourceService
- AzureCosmosDBClientService
- AzureDataLakeStorageFileResourceService
- AzureEventHubRecordSink
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerService_v12
- AzureStorageCredentialsControllerServiceLookup_v12
- CEFReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceReader
- ConfluentEncodedSchemaReferenceWriter
- ConfluentSchemaRegistry
- CSVReader
- CSVRecordLookupService
- CSVRecordSetWriter
- DatabaseRecordLookupService
- DatabaseRecordSink
- DatabaseTableSchemaRegistry
- DBCPConnectionPool
- DBCPConnectionPoolLookup
- DistributedMapCacheLookupService
- ElasticSearchClientServiceImpl
- ElasticSearchLookupService
- ElasticSearchStringLookupService
- EmailRecordSink
- EmbeddedHazelcastCacheManager
- ExcelReader
- ExternalHazelcastCacheManager
- FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter
- GCPCredentialsControllerService
- GCSFileResourceService
- GrokReader
- HazelcastMapCacheClient
- HikariCPConnectionPool
- HttpRecordSink
- IPLookupService
- JettyWebSocketClient
- JettyWebSocketServer
- JMSConnectionFactoryProvider
- JndiJmsConnectionFactoryProvider
- JsonConfigBasedBoxClientService
- JsonPathReader
- JsonRecordSetWriter
- JsonTreeReader
- Kafka3ConnectionService
- KerberosKeytabUserService
- KerberosPasswordUserService
- KerberosTicketCacheUserService
- LoggingRecordSink
- MapCacheClientService
- MapCacheServer
- MongoDBControllerService
- MongoDBLookupService
- PropertiesFileLookupService
- ProtobufReader
- ReaderLookup
- RecordSetWriterLookup
- RecordSinkServiceLookup
- RedisConnectionPoolService
- RedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- RestLookupService
- S3FileResourceService
- ScriptedLookupService
- ScriptedReader
- ScriptedRecordSetWriter
- ScriptedRecordSink
- SetCacheClientService
- SetCacheServer
- SimpleCsvFileLookupService
- SimpleDatabaseLookupService
- SimpleKeyValueLookupService
- SimpleRedisDistributedMapCacheClientService
- SimpleScriptedLookupService
- SiteToSiteReportingRecordSink
- SlackRecordSink
- SmbjClientProviderService
- StandardAsanaClientProviderService
- StandardAzureCredentialsControllerService
- StandardDropboxCredentialService
- StandardFileResourceService
- StandardHashiCorpVaultClientService
- StandardHttpContextMap
- StandardJsonSchemaRegistry
- StandardKustoIngestService
- StandardKustoQueryService
- StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider
- StandardPGPPrivateKeyService
- StandardPGPPublicKeyService
- StandardPrivateKeyService
- StandardProxyConfigurationService
- StandardRestrictedSSLContextService
- StandardS3EncryptionService
- StandardSSLContextService
- StandardWebClientServiceProvider
- Syslog5424Reader
- SyslogReader
- UDPEventRecordSink
- VolatileSchemaCache
- WindowsEventLogReader
- XMLFileLookupService
- XMLReader
- XMLRecordSetWriter
- YamlTreeReader
- ZendeskRecordSink
FetchGoogleDrive 2.0.0
- Bundle
- org.apache.nifi | nifi-gcp-nar
- Description
- Fetches files from a Google Drive Folder. Designed to be used in tandem with ListGoogleDrive. Please see Additional Details to set up access to Google Drive.
- Tags
- drive, fetch, google, storage
- Input Requirement
- Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
- false
File ID
The Drive ID of the File to fetch. Please see Additional Details for information on how to obtain the Drive ID.
- Display Name
- File ID
- Description
- The Drive ID of the File to fetch. Please see Additional Details for information on how to obtain the Drive ID.
- API Name
- drive-file-id
- Default Value
- ${drive.id}
- Expression Language Scope
- Environment variables and FlowFile Attributes
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
GCP Credentials Provider Service
The Controller Service used to obtain Google Cloud Platform credentials.
- Display Name
- GCP Credentials Provider Service
- Description
- The Controller Service used to obtain Google Cloud Platform credentials.
- API Name
- gcp-credentials-provider-service
- Service Interface
- org.apache.nifi.gcp.credentials.service.GCPCredentialsService
- Service Implementations
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Google Doc Export Type
Google Documents cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Document, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the document to.
- Display Name
- Google Doc Export Type
- Description
- Google Documents cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Document, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the document to.
- API Name
- Google Doc Export Type
- Default Value
- application/pdf
- Allowable Values
- Plain Text
- Microsoft Word
- OpenDocument
- Rich Text
- Web Page (HTML)
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Google Drawing Export Type
Google Drawings cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Drawing, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the drawing to.
- Display Name
- Google Drawing Export Type
- Description
- Google Drawings cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Drawing, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the drawing to.
- API Name
- Google Drawing Export Type
- Default Value
- application/pdf
- Allowable Values
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Google Presentation Export Type
Google Presentations cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Presentation, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the presentation to.
- Display Name
- Google Presentation Export Type
- Description
- Google Presentations cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Presentation, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the presentation to.
- API Name
- Google Presentation Export Type
- Default Value
- application/pdf
- Allowable Values
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Plain Text
- OpenDocument Presentation
- PNG (first slide only)
- JPEG (first slide only)
- SVG (first slide only)
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Google Spreadsheet Export Type
Google Spreadsheets cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Spreadsheet, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the spreadsheet to.
- Display Name
- Google Spreadsheet Export Type
- Description
- Google Spreadsheets cannot be downloaded directly from Google Drive but instead must be exported to a specified MIME Type. In the event that the incoming FlowFile's MIME Type indicates that the file is a Google Spreadsheet, this property specifies the MIME Type to export the spreadsheet to.
- API Name
- Google Spreadsheet Export Type
- Default Value
- text/csv
- Allowable Values
- CSV (first sheet only)
- Microsoft Excel
- TSV (first sheet only)
- Web Page (HTML)
- OpenDocument Spreadsheet
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- true
Proxy Configuration Service
Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN
- Display Name
- Proxy Configuration Service
- Description
- Specifies the Proxy Configuration Controller Service to proxy network requests. Supported proxies: HTTP + AuthN
- API Name
- proxy-configuration-service
- Service Interface
- org.apache.nifi.proxy.ProxyConfigurationService
- Service Implementations
- Expression Language Scope
- Not Supported
- Sensitive
- false
- Required
- false
Name | Description |
failure | A FlowFile will be routed here for each File for which fetch was attempted but failed. |
success | A FlowFile will be routed here for each successfully fetched File. |
Reads Attributes
Name | Description |
drive.id | The id of the file |
Writes Attributes
Name | Description |
drive.id | The id of the file |
filename | The name of the file |
mime.type | The MIME type of the file |
drive.size | The size of the file |
drive.timestamp | The last modified time or created time (whichever is greater) of the file. The reason for this is that the original modified date of a file is preserved when uploaded to Google Drive. 'Created time' takes the time when the upload occurs. However uploaded files can still be modified later. |
error.code | The error code returned by Google Drive |
error.message | The error message returned by Google Drive |
Use Cases Involving Other Components
Retrieve all files in a Google Drive folder
- Description
- Retrieve all files in a Google Drive folder
- Keywords
- google, drive, google cloud, state, retrieve, fetch, all, stream
- Processor Configurations
The "Folder ID" property should be set to the ID of the Google Drive folder that files reside in. See processor documentation / additional details for more information on how to determine a Google Drive folder's ID. If the flow being built is to be reused elsewhere, it's a good idea to parameterize this property by setting it to something like `#{GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID}`. The "GCP Credentials Provider Service" property should specify an instance of the GCPCredentialsService in order to provide credentials for accessing the folder. The 'success' Relationship of this Processor is then connected to FetchGoogleDrive.
org.apache.nifi.processors.gcp.drive.FetchGoogleDrive"File ID" = "${drive.id}" The "GCP Credentials Provider Service" property should specify an instance of the GCPCredentialsService in order to provide credentials for accessing the bucket.
See Also