ExtractEmailHeaders 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-email-nar
Using the flowfile content as source of data, extract header from an RFC compliant email file adding the relevant attributes to the flowfile. This processor does not perform extensive RFC validation but still requires a bare minimum compliance with RFC 2822
email, split
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure Flowfiles that could not be parsed as a RFC-2822 compliant message
success Extraction was successful
Writes Attributes
Name Description
email.headers.bcc.* Each individual BCC recipient (if available)
email.headers.cc.* Each individual CC recipient (if available)
email.headers.from.* Each individual mailbox contained in the From of the Email (array as per RFC-2822)
email.headers.message-id The value of the Message-ID header (if available)
email.headers.received_date The Received-Date of the message (if available)
email.headers.sent_date Date the message was sent
email.headers.subject Subject of the message (if available)
email.headers.to.* Each individual TO recipient (if available)
email.attachment_count Number of attachments of the message