FetchBoxFileInfo 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-box-nar
Fetches metadata for files from Box and adds it to the FlowFile's attributes.
box, fetch, metadata, storage
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure A FlowFile will be routed here if fetching the file metadata fails.
not.found FlowFiles for which the specified Box file was not found.
success A FlowFile will be routed here after successfully fetching the file metadata.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
box.id The id of the file
filename The name of the file
path The folder path where the file is located
box.size The size of the file
box.timestamp The last modified time of the file
box.created.at The creation date of the file
box.owner The owner of the file
box.description The description of the file
box.etag The etag of the file
box.sha1 The SHA-1 hash of the file
box.content.created.at The date the content was created
box.content.modified.at The date the content was modified
box.item.status The status of the file (active, trashed, etc.)
box.sequence_id The sequence ID of the file
box.parent.folder.id The ID of the parent folder
box.trashed.at The date the file was trashed, if applicable
box.purged.at The date the file was purged, if applicable
box.shared.link The shared link of the file, if any
error.code The error code returned by Box
error.message The error message returned by Box
See Also