FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-azure-nar
Retrieves the specified blob from Azure Blob Storage and writes its content to the content of the FlowFile. The processor uses Azure Blob Storage client library v12.
azure, blob, cloud, microsoft, storage
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure Unsuccessful operations will be transferred to the failure relationship.
success All successfully processed FlowFiles are routed to this relationship
Writes Attributes
Name Description
azure.container The name of the Azure Blob Storage container
azure.blobname The name of the blob on Azure Blob Storage
azure.primaryUri Primary location of the blob
azure.etag ETag of the blob
azure.blobtype Type of the blob (either BlockBlob, PageBlob or AppendBlob)
mime.type MIME Type of the content
lang Language code for the content
azure.timestamp Timestamp of the blob
azure.length Length of the blob
Use Cases Involving Other Components
  • Retrieve all files in an Azure Blob Storage container
    Retrieve all files in an Azure Blob Storage container
    azure, blob, storage, state, retrieve, fetch, all, stream
    Processor Configurations
    The "Container Name" property should be set to the name of the Blob Storage Container that files reside in.     If the flow being built is to be reused elsewhere, it's a good idea to parameterize this property by setting it to something like `#{AZURE_CONTAINER}`.
    The "Storage Credentials" property should specify an instance of the AzureStorageCredentialsService_v12 in order to provide credentials for accessing the storage container.
    The 'success' Relationship of this Processor is then connected to FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12.
    "Container Name" = "${azure.container}"
    "Blob Name" = "${azure.blobname}"
    The "Storage Credentials" property should specify an instance of the AzureStorageCredentialsService_v12 in order to provide credentials for accessing the storage container.
See Also