ConsumeAzureEventHub 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-azure-nar
Receives messages from Microsoft Azure Event Hubs with checkpointing to ensure consistent event processing. Checkpoint tracking avoids consuming a message multiple times and enables reliable resumption of processing in the event of intermittent network failures. Checkpoint tracking requires external storage and provides the preferred approach to consuming messages from Azure Event Hubs. In clustered environment, ConsumeAzureEventHub processor instances form a consumer group and the messages are distributed among the cluster nodes (each message is processed on one cluster node only).
azure, cloud, eventhub, events, microsoft, streaming, streams
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
State Management
Scopes Description
LOCAL, CLUSTER Local state is used to store the client id. Cluster state is used to store partition ownership and checkpoint information when component state is configured as the checkpointing strategy.
Name Description
success FlowFiles received from Event Hub.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
eventhub.enqueued.timestamp The time (in milliseconds since epoch, UTC) at which the message was enqueued in the event hub
eventhub.offset The offset into the partition at which the message was stored
eventhub.sequence The sequence number associated with the message The name of the event hub from which the message was pulled
eventhub.partition The name of the partition from which the message was pulled* The application properties of this message. IE: 'application' would be ''