PutLambda 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-aws-nar
Sends the contents to a specified Amazon Lambda Function. The AWS credentials used for authentication must have permissions execute the Lambda function (lambda:InvokeFunction).The FlowFile content must be JSON.
amazon, aws, lambda, put
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
failure FlowFiles are routed to failure relationship
success FlowFiles are routed to success relationship
Writes Attributes
Name Description
aws.lambda.result.function.error Function error message in result on posting message to AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.result.status.code Status code in the result for the message when posting to AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.result.payload Payload in the result from AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.result.log Log in the result of the message posted to Lambda
aws.lambda.exception.message Exception message on invoking from AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.exception.cause Exception cause on invoking from AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.exception.error.code Exception error code on invoking from AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.exception.request.id Exception request id on invoking from AWS Lambda
aws.lambda.exception.status.code Exception status code on invoking from AWS Lambda