GetDynamoDB 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-aws-nar
Retrieves a document from DynamoDB based on hash and range key. The key can be string or number.For any get request all the primary keys are required (hash or hash and range based on the table keys).A Json Document ('Map') attribute of the DynamoDB item is read into the content of the FlowFile.
AWS, Amazon, DynamoDB, Fetch, Get
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Name Description
not found FlowFiles are routed to not found relationship if key not found in the table
failure FlowFiles are routed to failure relationship
success FlowFiles are routed to success relationship
unprocessed FlowFiles are routed to unprocessed relationship when DynamoDB is not able to process all the items in the request. Typical reasons are insufficient table throughput capacity and exceeding the maximum bytes per request. Unprocessed FlowFiles can be retried with a new request.
Reads Attributes
Name Description
dynamodb.item.hash.key.value Items hash key value
dynamodb.item.range.key.value Items range key value
Writes Attributes
Name Description
dynamodb.key.error.unprocessed DynamoDB unprocessed keys
dynmodb.range.key.value.error DynamoDB range key error
dynamodb.key.error.not.found DynamoDB key not found
dynamodb.error.exception.message DynamoDB exception message
dynamodb.error.code DynamoDB error code
dynamodb.error.message DynamoDB error message
dynamodb.error.service DynamoDB error service
dynamodb.error.retryable DynamoDB error is retryable DynamoDB error request id
dynamodb.error.status.code DynamoDB status code
See Also