QueryAirtableTable 2.0.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-airtable-nar
Query records from an Airtable table. Records are incrementally retrieved based on the last modified time of the records. Records can also be further filtered by setting the 'Custom Filter' property which supports the formulas provided by the Airtable API. This processor is intended to be run on the Primary Node only.
airtable, database, query
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
State Management
Scopes Description
CLUSTER The last successful query's time is stored in order to enable incremental loading. The initial query returns all the records in the table and each subsequent query filters the records by their last modified time. In other words, if a record is updated after the last successful query only the updated records will be returned in the next query. State is stored across the cluster, so this Processor can run only on the Primary Node and if a new Primary Node is selected, the new node can pick up where the previous one left off without duplicating the data.
Name Description
success For FlowFiles created as a result of a successful query.
Writes Attributes
Name Description
record.count Sets the number of records in the FlowFile.
fragment.identifier If 'Max Records Per FlowFile' is set then all FlowFiles from the same query result set will have the same value for the fragment.identifier attribute. This can then be used to correlate the results.
fragment.count If 'Max Records Per FlowFile' is set then this is the total number of FlowFiles produced by a single ResultSet. This can be used in conjunction with the fragment.identifier attribute in order to know how many FlowFiles belonged to the same incoming ResultSet.
fragment.index If 'Max Records Per FlowFile' is set then the position of this FlowFile in the list of outgoing FlowFiles that were all derived from the same result set FlowFile. This can be used in conjunction with the fragment.identifier attribute to know which FlowFiles originated from the same query result set and in what order FlowFiles were produced