KerberosKeytabUserService 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-kerberos-user-service-nar
Provides a mechanism for creating a KerberosUser from a principal and keytab that other components are able to use in order to perform authentication using Kerberos. By encapsulating this information into a Controller Service and allowing other components to make use of it (as opposed to specifying the principal and keytab directly in the processor) an administrator is able to choose which users are allowed to use which keytabs and principals. This provides a more robust security model for multi-tenant use cases.
Authentication, Credentials, Kerberos, Keytab, Principal, Security
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
Required Permission Explanation
access keytab Allows user to define a Keytab and principal that can then be used by other components.