CaptureChangeMySQL 2.3.0

org.apache.nifi | nifi-cdc-mysql-nar
Retrieves Change Data Capture (CDC) events from a MySQL database. CDC Events include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE operations. Events are output as either a group of a specified number of events (the default is 1 so each event becomes its own flow file) or grouped as a full transaction (BEGIN to COMMIT). All events are ordered by the time at which the operation occurred. NOTE: If the processor is stopped before the specified number of events have been written to a flow file, the partial flow file will be output in order to maintain the consistency of the event stream.
cdc, event, jdbc, mysql, sql, transaction
Input Requirement
Supports Sensitive Dynamic Properties
State Management
Scopes Description
CLUSTER Information such as a 'pointer' to the current CDC event in the database is stored by this processor, such that it can continue from the same location if restarted.
Required Permission Explanation
reference remote resources Database Driver Location can reference resources over HTTP
Name Description
success Successfully created FlowFile from SQL query result set.
Writes Attributes
Name Description A sequence identifier (i.e. strictly increasing integer value) specifying the order of the CDC event flow file relative to the other event flow file(s).
cdc.event.type A string indicating the type of CDC event that occurred, including (but not limited to) 'begin', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'ddl' and 'commit'.
mime.type The processor outputs flow file content in JSON format, and sets the mime.type attribute to application/json